Humble Garden

ReSkilling for future food independence

The world is in a Ferment – also – homemade Yogurt

Posted by Nika On December - 19 - 2008

Hope all is well out there and that you are weathering this time of transition well.

  • We are about to transit through the winter solstice
  • The economy is listing and no one knows where it will all land (recession? depression?)
  • Seed catalogs are starting to come in and we can dream about this year’s bounty!

I have been extra quiet these days because of being overwhelmed by all the bad news of the world and also my own bad news.

I became a part of the statistics when I was recently laid off. Add this to my husband’s laid off status and things are really stressful here.

To get off this negative and on to why I am writing today, I am going to share some photos from our home last week, of making goat milk yogurt.

Around here, any milk project starts with milking of our goat Torte.

torte being milked

torte being milked

To make this, I used a yogurt starter from the New England Cheesemaking Supply Company.

Homemade goat yogurt

This yogurt starter has several bacterial species, including:

  • Lactobacillus acidophilus
  • Bifidobacterium species
  • Steptococcus thermophilus
  • Lactobacillus delbrueckii

I also made a DIY yogurt culture box from a roomy box, a seed warming/starting mat and foil.

Homemade goat yogurt

(messy ballerina modeling culture box)

Homemade goat yogurt

The starter directions say one packet per quart. I made 2 quarts that day. You have to bring the milk up to 180 F (not sure why) and then back down to 116 F. I used a water bath to cool the stainless steel pot of milk.

Homemade goat yogurt

You then add the starter to the 116 F milk and mix well. Once mixed, pour into culturing jars (I used sterilized pint canning jars) and let set up for 9-12 hours or to the thickness desired.

Homemade goat yogurt

Homemade goat yogurt

Homemade goat yogurt

(mixing in starter)

Homemade goat yogurt

Homemade goat yogurt

(Cover with foil)

Homemade goat yogurt

(Cover with fleece jacket)

Homemade goat yogurt

(Leave alone for 9-12 hours)

Once set up, cool in the fridge and then enjoy!

Homemade goat yogurt

Homemade goat yogurt

Homemade goat yogurt

Homemade goat yogurt

6 Responses to “The world is in a Ferment – also – homemade Yogurt”

  1. […] Vote The world is in a Ferment – also – homemade Yogurt […]

  2. You heat it to reduce the competition between the naturally occurring bacteria and the ones you are introducing. If you made a “raw” yogurt, heating only to 110 degrees or so, it would be runnier, more like a drink. Some do it that way and use it for smoothies, salad dressing, drinking plain–they want to preserve the “raw” quality. It’s a choice–I have done both. My kids prefer it when it sets up firm like you did it.

  3. Nika says:

    Well – we make the raw kind sometimes but more by accident because a jar or jug will get left in the fridge too long.

    I wonder if I can use that older yogurt for something – perhaps even as soap? Not sure I want to give it to the chickens or goats… and feel bad about dumping it… once we get the piglets that will be easier to deal with.

  4. Connie S says:

    What did you think about the taste of the yogurt? I’m not a big yogurt person to start with and I’m finding my hm goat yogurt to be on the tangy side. I did read that if it sets out and cultures longer than necessary it will become tangier. Perhaps that is my problem. Your yogurt looks like it has great consistency. I felt my was a little runny. I’m glad Justine answered the 180 degree question comment. I’ve always wondered about that. But I love using it in smoothies with frozen fruit. Tastes great there!

  5. […] chevre (Making chevre cheese from our home-milked goat milk) and yogurt from this home-milked milk (The world is in a Ferment – also – homemade Yogurt). Its super delicious and very […]

  6. Nika says:

    Connie: Yeah the longer it sits the tangier it is. I really like the flavor – I like my yogurt on the tart side myself.

    Indeed, ours was not runny… might depend on what you use as a starter!

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About Me

We are a family of 5, including Nika, Ed, Q (14), KD (7), and Baby Oh (4). We garden 1024 square feet of raised beds plus assorted permacultural plantings. We also have 13 LaMancha dairy goats, 40 chickens, and one guard llama.



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