Humble Garden

ReSkilling for future food independence

Panoramas for perspective

Posted by Nika On May - 25 - 2007

The driveway and the greenery.

Here is a panorama of the driveway.

Well, we are on our own now with the carpentry. It will be fine and it will be SUBSTANTIALLY cheaper. Here is a shot of the raised beds. Right one has been planted, middle is waiting, left is being built and the 4th is in the queue.

Here are a few panoramas around the house.

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About Me

We are a family of 5, including Nika, Ed, Q (14), KD (7), and Baby Oh (4). We garden 1024 square feet of raised beds plus assorted permacultural plantings. We also have 13 LaMancha dairy goats, 40 chickens, and one guard llama.



    AN5I0223.jpgOur Disney Adventure - Day Four - 40Untitled Flickr photoUntitled Flickr photo