Humble Garden

ReSkilling for future food independence

Some of our crazy chickens – Old English Game Fowl

Posted by Nika On September - 16 - 2008

Humble Garden: Olde English Game Hens and Rooster

Meet one of our Old English Game roosters (we have two) and one of the hens (other types of chickens shown = Rhode Island Red and a Minorca). We adopted these chickens from a teenager my oldest daughter met on a chicken board. He had bred and incubated these chickens himself but the town he lived in caught on to his chicken hobby and so he had to get rid of them. Its been interesting watching them grow because we were not sure what this kid had bred!

Turned out looking pretty good.

Humble Garden: Olde English Game Rooster

This is another one, a Bantam Old English Spangled Game Hen, we call her Quailie (you may have seen her in a previous post)

Qualie: Chicken or, what?

Chickens and chicken breeding is fun stuff!

Old English Game Bantam Club of America

4 Responses to “Some of our crazy chickens – Old English Game Fowl”

  1. bee says:

    i’m so excited to see this blog. i enjoy reading what others raise and grow.

  2. Nika says:

    Bee: Very glad to have you visit! We are more than glad to share our vege and animal excitement :-)

  3. Ted says:

    Unusual looking chicken, it looks like a grey, black toppy type, how much does it weigh?

  4. Looks like I left a comment meant for the chickens in the goat’s space. (Nice goat, too. But the fowl are splendid. I wish I could keep a few chickens here to help control our enormous population of tiny white snails!)

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About Me

We are a family of 5, including Nika, Ed, Q (14), KD (7), and Baby Oh (4). We garden 1024 square feet of raised beds plus assorted permacultural plantings. We also have 13 LaMancha dairy goats, 40 chickens, and one guard llama.



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